The dried zest of the orange. Use granulated orange peel in recipes that require a citrus flavor of call for "orange zest". Sweeter then lemon peel, add granulated orange peel to muffins, cookies, coffee cake, frostings and fillings, cheesecake, custard, rice and bread puddings, quick breads, waffle and pancake batter. Sprinkle dried orange peel on hot cereal or use to flavor mulled drinks. Add some citrus zest to pork, chicken, duckling, in stuffing or in a glaze for ham. Excellent with vegetables. Jazz up your marinades with the addition of dried orange peel. Use in a kitchen potpourri. Rehydrate using 3 parts water to 1 part peel, let stand 15 minutes. Substitute one-third dry peel for fresh zest in recipes.